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General "formula" of a ship syntax:

action,fleet(own or enemy),number of affected ships,class of affected ships,affected shiptypes,message shown in battle report,"n"/"p"

After you chose an action that should happen you have to give more details (only exception: if you use "f"(=fight)):

fleet: To chose the affected fleet you can use "self"(=your own fleet), "enemy"(=enemy fleet) or "both"(=both fleets)

number of affected ships: Just type the number or "all"(=all ships)

class of affected ships: You have to tell the class of the ships you want to affect. You can use "1"(=class 1), "2"(=class 2), "3"(=class 3), "4"(=class 4), "all"(=all classes), "this"(=the class your ship fights against)

affected shiptype: Type in the name of the affected ships or type "all"(=any ship you fight against) or "itself"(=the fighting ship)

message shown in battle report: The message will normally be shown in the battle report like this: "(your message) ... ships"

"n"/"p": At the end of each modifier there is a text that is shown in the battlereport. If there is a ",n" at the end then the text is NOT followed by the number of ships that were successfully affected (destroyed, shielded, reconstructed...). If there is a ",p" at the end then there follows a second text that is shown each time, also if there was no succsess. (there can also be ",pn" or ",np" which means both)


If you have several actions, you have to seperate them with a | ("Alt Gr" + "<")

see modifiers, special ship abilities

at the end of each modifier there is a text that is shown in the battlereport. if there is a ",n" at the end then the text is NOT followed by the number of ships that were successfully affected (destroyed, shielded, reconstructed...). if there is a ",p" at the end then there follows a second text that is shown each time, also if there was no succsess. (there can also be ",pn" or ",np" which means both)

the first element always states the action (f, create, steal...) a modifier can have several statements which happen in the given order. here are some examples of the existing ships:

________________________________________________________________________ at the end of each modifier there is a text that is shown in the battlereport. if there is a ",n" at the end then the text is NOT followed by the number of ships that were successfully affected (destroyed, shielded, reconstructed...). if there is a ",p" at the end then there follows a second text that is shown each time, also if there was no succsess. (there can also be ",pn" or ",np" which means both)

the first element always states the action (f, create, steal...) a modifier can have several statements which happen in the given order. here are some examples of the existing ships:

'f' (destroyer)

fights (battle engine syntax: f)

'create' (troika)

creates 3 troika modules in your own fleet in class 2 battlemessage: "troika separates into ... ships" (battle engine syntax: create,self,3,2,troika module,troika separates into)


(graze reactor)
  1. fights until it is shot
     (battle engine syntax: beserk)
  2. creates 1 grazer in your own fleet in class 2
     battlemessage: "grazers breeded"
     (battle engine syntax: create,self,1,2,grazer,grazers breeded,n)
  3. modifies AP/LP by 0/-1.5 of itself in your own fleet in class 2
     (battle engine syntax: mod,self,1,2,itself,+,0,-1.5)


(bounty hunter)

destroys 1 already damaged ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the class it is fighting with battlemessage: "bounty hunter blasts ... ships" (battle engine syntax: blast,enemy,1,this,all,bounty hunter blasts)

'clone' holo-clone-ship

clones the enemy ship that is the actual target battlemessage: "clone-ship clones ... ships" (battle engine syntax: clone,clone-ship clones)


  1. at the end of battle it evolves into 250 nano bombers (0/1)
     (battle engine syntax: evolve,nano bomber,0,1,250,)
  2. fights
     (battle engine syntax: f)

'kill' (mantis)

  1. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 4 but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
     (battle engine syntax: kill,enemy,all,4,all)
  2. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 4 but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
     battlemessage: "mantis explodes"
     (battle engine syntax: kill,self,all,4,all,mantis explodes,n)
  3. self destructs!
     (battle engine syntax: sd)

'mod' (c-cannon-module)

  1. modifies AP/LP by +70/0 of 1 c-cannon-platform in your own fleet in class 3
     battlemessage: "c-cannon-module is mounted on ... ships"
     (battle engine syntax: mod,self,1,3,c-cannon-platform,+,70,0,c-cannon-module is mounted on)
  2. shuffles all ships in your class 3 that still did not fight
     (battle engine syntax: shuffle,self,3)

'obliterate' (doomstar)

  1. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 1, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
     (battle engine syntax: obliterate,enemy,all,1,all)
  2. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 1, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
     (battle engine syntax: obliterate,self,all,1,all)
  3. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 2, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
     (battle engine syntax: obliterate,enemy,all,2,all)
  4. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 2, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
     (battle engine syntax: obliterate,self,all,2,all)
  5. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 3, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
     (battle engine syntax: obliterate,enemy,all,3,all)
  6. modifies LP by -5000 of all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 3, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
     (battle engine syntax: obliterate,self,all,3,all)
  7. self destructs!
     battlemessage: "doomstar creates a black hole that swallows all ships of class 1 to 3"
     (battle engine syntax: sd,doomstar creates a black hole that swallows all ships of class 1 to 3,n)

'reconst' (minor reconstructor)

  1. reconstructs 100 ships of any ship-type in your fleet in class 1 (technical LP +1 to ships that have less than 1 LP)
     battlemessage: "reconstructor reactivates in class 1: ... ships"
     (battle engine syntax: reconst,self,100,1,all,1,reconstructor reactivates in class 1:)
  2. reconstructs 10 ships of any ship-type in your fleet in class 2 (technical LP +1 to ships that have less than 1 LP)
     battlemessage: "reconstructor reactivates in class 2: ... ships"
     (battle engine syntax: reconst,self,10,2,all,1,reconstructor reactivates in class 2:)
  3. modifies LP by -5000 of all minor reconstructors in your own fleet in the same class, there are no known ships and buildings that survive this effect.
     (battle engine syntax: obliterate,self,all,this,minor reconstructor)
  4. if this ship is reconstructed it self destructs!
     battlemessage: "minor reconstructor destroyed by interference ... ships"
     (battle engine syntax: trigger_rec@sd,minor reconstructor destroyed by interference)

'recycle' (deconstructor)

  1. recycles all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 1, the targets are removed from the fight, but no points are won or lost.
     battlemessage: "desconstruction wave hits ... ships"
     (battle engine syntax: recycle,self,all,1,all,desconstruction wave hits)
  2. recycles all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 2, the targets are removed from the fight, but no points are won or lost.
     battlemessage: "desconstruction waves hits ... ships"
     (battle engine syntax: recycle,self,all,2,all,desconstruction waves hits)
  3. recycles all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 3, the targets are removed from the fight, but no points are won or lost.
     battlemessage: "desconstruction waves hits ... ships"
     (battle engine syntax: recycle,self,all,3,all,desconstruction waves hits)
  4. recycles all ships of any ship-type in your own fleet in class 4, the targets are removed from the fight, but no points are won or lost.
     battlemessage: "desconstruction waves hits ... ships"
     (battle engine syntax: recycle,self,all,4,all,desconstruction waves hits)
  5. self destructs!
     (battle engine syntax: sd)

'sd' (retreat fighter)

  1. self destructs!
     battlemessage: "retreat fighter instructs the retreat of class 1"
     (battle engine syntax: sd,retreat fighter instructs the retreat of class 1,n)
  2. ends the actual class battle
     (battle engine syntax: retreat)

'shield' (shield generator)

tries to generate a shield around one ship in your fleet in the same class it is fighting battlemessage: "shield generated" (battle engine syntax: shield,1,shield generated)

'steal' (pirate ship)

steals the enemy ship that is the actual target battlemessage: "pirate-ship boards" (battle engine syntax: steal,pirate-ship boards,n)

'trigger_hit@mod' (kinetic deflector ship)

if this ship is hit it modifies AP/LP by 0/-5 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class (battle engine syntax: trigger_hit@mod,enemy,1,this,all,+,0,-5)


(eternity device)
  1. battle engine syntax:
  2. modifies AP/LP by 0/+10 of all ships of any ship-type in both fleets in class 1;2;3
     battlemessage: "enternity device activated"
     (battle engine syntax: mod,both,all,1;2;3,all,+,0,10,enternity device activated,n)
  3. self destructs!
     (battle engine syntax: sd)

additionally there is a :

trigger modifier

triggered events:

These are actions that happen if another event happened, for example a ship that explodes if it is jammed, or it gets +1/+1 if it is reconstructed, or it destroys two enemy ships if it is destroyed.....

Possible events:

  • trigger_jam if this ship is jammed
  • trigger_rec if this ship is reconstructed
  • trigger_plus if this ships LP or AP are increased or decreased
  • trigger_blast if this ship is hit by a blast-ship
  • trigger_hit if this ship is hit
  • trigger_destruction if this ship gets destroyed
  • trigger_multiply if this ships LP or AP get multiplied

the triggered effects are added for example like this: f|trigger_jam@mod,enemy,2,this,all,+,0,-1100 this ship would destroy two enemy ships if it gets jammed

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