basic research
dominator (class 3 ship)
Jams two enemy vessels but its emp-generator causes a time anomaly that moves 10 enemy class 2 ships a few minutes backwards through time. Already destroyed ships will reappear.

Attack/life: 0/100
Manpower: 70

Researchtime: 12 h
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
emp technology

Battle details:
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. jams 2 ships in the enemy fleet in the class it fights with and you get back the initiative
    battlemessage: "dominator jams ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: jam,enemy,2,this,dominator )
  3. reconstructs 10 ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 2 (technical LP +10 to ships that have less than 1 LP)
    battlemessage: "time-anomaly causes the return of ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: reconst,enemy,10,2,all,10,time-anomaly causes the return of )

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