basic research
combat reconstructor
combat reconstructor (class 2 ship)
Reconstructs two class 1 ships

Attack/life: 2/10
Manpower: 6

Researchtime: 2 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:

Battle details:
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. reconstructs 2 ships of any ship-type in your fleet in class 1 (technical LP +1 to ships that have less than 1 LP)
    battlemessage: "reconstruction success: ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: reconst,self,2,1,all,1,reconstruction success:)
  3. shuffles all ships in your class 1 that still did not fight
    (battle engine syntax: shuffle,self,1)

  —> Forum Topic about this ship
Rubens: Can i suggest that those ships shouldnt be reconstructed by a minor reconstructor?
I was thinking and thinking and i think is fair enough because a major cant reconstruct a minor.
What about changing this ship also?
3/8 and gives+1 LP to 3 ships in class 1
5-8 mp?
WilliamWallace: "Can i suggest that those ships shouldnt be reconstructed by a minor reconstructor?
I was thinking and thinking and i think is fair enough because a major cant reconstruct a minor.
What about changing this ship also?
3/8 and gives+1 LP to 3 ships in class 1
5-8 mp?"

3/8 ? As far as I am concerned all c2 ships have 10 lp, if not almost all. This would make it a very easy eagle target, not that fair :)3. Eagles are strong enough :)7
Rubens: well, if it is weaker it costs less.
The main pourpouse is to dennie the posibilitie of a minor reconstruct a combat.
The other pourpouse is that the combat could reconstruct more class 1. Is the only usefull thing for this ship;)
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