basic research
cerberus fighter
cerberus fighter (class 1 ship)
Does 4 damage to an enemy class 3 ship

Attack/life: 0/1
Manpower: 3

Researchtime: 2 d
Buildingtime: 13 h

Needed research:
improved targeting

Battle details:
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. modifies AP/LP by 0/-4 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in class 3
    battlemessage: "cerberus fighter hits ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: mod,enemy,1,3,all,+,0,-4,cerberus fighter hits)

  —> Forum Topic about this ship
admin: this is the discussion where it was created:
admin: "Cerberus is the three-headed dog who guards Tartarus, the city of the dead.

I was dipped in the river Styx as a child, which is nearby.

we need a description for this ship
kamekaze6: The Cerberus fighter is so named because of it s design, it has three connons at the front (as shown in the diagram) when all three are fired at the same point on the class 3 ship they cause 1 damage.
admin: "it has three front-cannons. when all three are fired at the same point on the class 3 ship they cause 1 damage.

but it does 4 damage
vyor: If you notice...the ship it attacks is random...
vyor: it would attack a random class 3 ship
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