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[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/Rules_for_The_SpaceTrace_Card_Game.pdf print-version of the rules]
[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/Rules_for_The_SpaceTrace_Card_Game.pdf print-version of the rules]
===Basic Cards===
*[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/english-base-ship.pdf basic ship cards]
*[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/english-base-extra-ship-1.pdf special ship cards set 1]
*[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/english-base-extra-ship-2.pdf special ship cards set 2]
*[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/english-base-extra-ship-3.pdf special ship cards set 3]
*[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/english-base-reinf.pdf basic reinforcement cards] - Print out 3X
*[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/english-base-extra-reinf.pdf special reinforcement cards]
*[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/english-base-tactic.pdf basic tactic cards]
=== Booster set: ===
*[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/english-base-extra-ship-4.pdf special ship cards set 4]
*[http://www.spacetrace.org/cardgame/english-base-tactic-2.pdf special tactic cards 1] +12 standart reinforcement cards
= The rules: =
= The rules: =

Revision as of 09:04, 21 December 2007


Download the beta-version of the card set, print all pages, cut out the cards and play it with your friends:


print-version of the rules

The rules:


Sort out the cards named "Base" (it is a class 4 ship with 1000 lifepoints - LP). each one of you puts one "Base" card face up in front of you on the table. this is the first card of your first fleet. (a second fleet can be started later in the game.) In battle the "Base" counts as a class-IV ship card. But it cannot be sacrificed, because it represents the HQ of all your fleets. It is also immune against the destroy effect and the kill effect, but not against damage done by ships or tactic cards.

Both players get minimum 40 cards.
There are tactic cards, ship cards, reinforcements cards (manpower - MP) and spacetrace heroes.
Tactic and reinforcement cards can be played any time, ship cards and heroes only by the active player.

Both players shuffle their library.
Both players draw 4 cards, do not reveal them.

The player that has his/her turn is called the active player.
At the beginning of each turn the active player draws 2 cards. if there are no cards left, no card is drawn. (the discarded cards cannot be drawn again)


Reinforcement cards

Most cards need manpower (MP) to be played. you get MP by playing reinforcement cards. You only get the MP for one time, the reinforcement cards are discarded.
Any MP that is not used in that turn expires

Ship cards

To bring a ship card into play, you need enough MP. So you need to play one or more reinforcement cards with the ship card, that have a total MP that is enough to play the ship card. The ship cards are placed on the table in front of you in your base fleet.

Tactic cards

If a player plays a tactic card the opponent may answer with another tactic card. The effects are resolved last in, first out. That means that the last effect is resolved first.
This way it can happen that a tactic card targets nothing. If this happens, that card will have no effect at all, it fizzles, and is discarded.
Tactic cards can be countered (for example with the card "Counter Strike"). The target card and the counter tactic card will both be discarded.
Some tactic cards need MP in the same way like the ship cards.
After the effects of all tactic cards are resolved those cards are discarded.

Hero cards (commander cards)

Heroes can only be placed on a class-II or class -III ship and stays on that ship until it is destroyed. They will improve your tactical skills. You can only have one hero card on your side in game at the same time. If a ship with an hero on it gets destroyed, both cards get destroyed.

Order of actions

  • the following actions can be done in your turn in any order:
  • bring out a ship card (not during the attack)
  • play a tactic, hero or reinforcement card
  • move ships between your fleets (not during the attack and only if you have more than one fleet, later in the game)
  • start an attack (maximum is one attack per turn)
  • discard 3 non-reinforcement cards to get 100 MP (in case you have not enough reinforcement cards to play any of your cards in your hand)
  • discard 3 reinforcement cards to draw a new card (in case you have too many reinforcement cards in your hand)

The active player can play as many tactic, ship and reinforcement cards as he/she wishes and maximum one hero card. the other player can only play tactic cards (and eventually the needed reinforcements).

The battle

Only if the active player decides to start an attack a battle happens.
Every player can choose the order of ships in each class stack (ship cards of each class) in his fleet(s). The attacker has to choose order first.
At least the base fleet of the attacker must attack. If the attacker has a second fleet, the attacker decides if this fleet attacks also.
The base fleet of the defender must defend, the other fleet may defend.

The battle is resolved very similar to the computer game: class-I against class-I, class-II against class-II etc.
If some classes are missing, it is resolved just like the real game: the class-battle then happens between the class and the next higher class of the player that has the missing class.
for example if the active player has class 1,2,3,4 and the defender has class 1,2,4, then the battle order will be: c1-c1; c2-c2; c3-c4; c4-c4.

Ship cards can contain more than one ship. For examle the figther card contains 100 fighters, the destroyer card 10 destroyers etc.
All information is printed on the cards.
The total attack points (AP) and total life points (LP) of all ships on one card is listed also.
Special effects are printed below the picture on the card.
Some ships/effects are slightly altered to the online game to make the card game playable.

Some examples

fighters (100 x 1/1) vs fighters (100 x 1/1)
Both cards are destroyed because they can make 1 damage on 100 targets.
(unlike the online game, there is noone that shoots first in the card game: all ships will fire!)

destroyers (10 x 10/10) vs fighters (100 x 1/1) The destroyers will be discarded the fighters survive, because the destroyers can only target 10 ships.
if not all ships on one card are destroyed totally in one turn, that card will stay. All ships (exept the "Base") are repaired at end of each turn!

Special abilities

  • Destroy: a destroyed ship looses all lp, but can be repaired or reconstructed
  • Kill: a killed ship looses all lp, but cannot be repaired nor reconstructed
  • Removed from the game: a removed ship cannot be repaired nor reconstructed (and does not count to the wrecked ships if you play with the optional wrecked ships rules)
  • Preemptive strike: the following effect is done before the normal shots and special abilities are resolved. This way some ships may be destroyed before they shoot or use special abilities (if two ships with preemptive strike fight against each other, both effects are resolved)
  • Jam: a jammed ship cannot shot nor use special abilities
  • Sacrifice: a sacrificed card cannot be repaired nor reconstructed. Some cards or effect demand sacrificing of another ship or a card to be played, that means that you cannot play the card if you cannot sacrifice the demanded card/ship.
  • Selfdestruction: a ship card with selfdestruction will be killed after it was involved in the battle.

Extra fleets

In our basic card-set there is one "Mothership" (like a mothership in the online game) availble for each player. With a "Mothership" you can open a new fleet. Now you can move your ship cards from the base into the new fleet and back.
Only the active player can move ships between fleets. It is a very useful option for combined attacks.
In a battle you can choose for your extra fleet to fight or not to fight.
Remember: your base fleet must fight if a battle happens.
If a "Mothership" gets destroyed all other ships in that fleet get destroyed too.

End of turn

The active player decides that he has nothing more to do and says: "ready". Then the other player takes his/her turn.

Who wins?

Beginners winning rule

You win if your opponents "Base" card gets 1000 or more damage points (the damage done to the "Base" is cumulated over all battles)

Optional winning rule (real spacetrace players should play this one!):

Winner is the player with the highest score. The game ends if one "Base" is destroyed. Both players count their wrecked ships total MP. A destroyed "Base" counts 500 MP. Each player gets the amount of wrecked ships of the opponent as score.

Example card


