basic research
clone cruiser (class 3 ship)
This ship make a clone of the enemy ship.

Attack/life: 0/100
Manpower: 90

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
holo technology

Battle details:
clones the enemy ship that is the actual target
battlemessage: "clone cruiser clones ... ships"
(battle engine syntax: clone,clone cruiser clones)
  —> Forum Topic about this ship
darklim: Someone explain me: the cloned ships will be you ship or the enemy ship?? (In this syntax)
JaM: It is your ship.
masterp: is it cloned only for the actual battle?
Dragonspawn: isnt there already a ship like this?
JaM: Yes it is only for the actual SUBbattle, and yes there is a ship like this in class 2 for the e-rays: holo-clone-ship
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