basic research
retraitor (class 2 ship)
If this ship is jammed it will destroy 2 enemy vessels

Attack/life: 10/6
Manpower: 8

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 11 h

Needed research:

Battle details:
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. if this ship is jammed it modifies AP/LP by 0/-1100 of 2 ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class
    battlemessage: "retrator destroys ... ships"
    (battle engine syntax: trigger_jam@mod,enemy,2,this,all,+,0,-1100,retrator destroys)

  —> Forum Topic about this ship
maximusbrown: can somebody explain this ship to me. does this ship fight everytime or just when it is jammed.
JaM: This ship fights just as a normal ship. And only if it is jammed it will destroys 2 ships.
RenéeAB: battle details:fights
(battle engine syntax: f)
if this ship is jammed it modifies AP/LP by 0/-1100 of 2 ships of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class
battlemessage: "retrator destroys ... ships"
(battle engine syntax: trigger_jam@mod,enemy,2,this,all,+,0,-1100,retrator destroys)

I was not sure if the 2 ships that get destroyed would be c2 specifically or the class that jammed the retraitor.
And never used these before so:

your class 2 vs enemy class 3: V ^
14 destroyers
28 pirate ship
40 retraitors
1 commando carrier
1 sporogenator
3 cruisers
5 dominators
1 minor reconstructor
1 cloud cruiser
20 plasma gunship

35 retraitors vs 5 plasma gunship
5 plasma gun locks on one target and kill 5 ships
5 pirate-ships board plasma gunship
4 retrator destroy 8 ships
9 destroyers vs 3 plasma gunship
2 dominators jam 4 ships
2 destroyers vs 1 plasma gunship
1 sporogenator releases sporators 3 ships
1 pirate-ship boards minor reconstructor
1 minor reconstructor destroyed by interference
2 destroyers vs 2 plasma gunship
1 sporogenator vs 1 plasma gunship
1 commando carrier vs 1 plasma gunship
1 retraitor vs 1 plasma gunship

3 dominators jam 6 ships
1 plasma gun locks on one target and kills 1 ship
1 cruiser vs 1 pirate ship
1 cruiser vs 1 destroyer

you :
1 destroyer
1 cruiser
2 pirate ship
enemy :
2 cruisers
1 dominator
1 cloud cruiser
12 plasma gunship
score in this subbattle: 1276

The ships destroyed were c3 so, is the class the retraitor fights with. Not bad results for what are essentially 6 lp unreconstructable, (usually) "destroyers" in most situations and justifies carrying 40 or so in case I run into another myc defender primary stack again ;)
DavAlan: ST's most overlooked HUMAN ADVANTAGE IMHO ... also renders c2 UNRECONSTRUCTABLE including the Wasp ap boost :)7 15 of them means death to a kazu 0 0 30 2 (20 pg's + 20 doms) + (1 major rc + an ms if 16 or so cruisers + 1 xhockwave cruiser are in your c3)
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