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mobile TWG |
The mobile transwarp-gate is connected to the transwarp net of the alliance. Only the commander of war of your alliance (CoW) can build and use it. You pay 1500 points when you build it, but you also win 1500 points if you shoot one
the twg is designed to etablish a beachhead in a distant area.
It costs 1500 points when you build it and you get 1500 points when you destroy it, but anyone can destroy it.
so you get your points back when you destroy it yourself?
but if the last player leaves the alliance, it will be destroyed, because no one is controling it anymore. in this casee noone would get points for it.
the attitude of the mobile TWG is always set on defense, so every ally that wants to use it has to set his attitude on defense too.
it has 1500 MP, so if it would be destroyed the player who destroys it would get 1500 points like he would get
320 points for destroying a mothership.
but if the builder of the MTWG destroys it, he will get the 1500 mp back (like recycling a ship)
it doesent cost you any MP to build it.
it has 1500 MP but no player has to bring them up, they are workers of the alliance, that run the mobile TWG so these manpower is extra.
the CoW only pays the 1500 points in advance as investement for the whole alliance
all fleets of all members of your alliance that are flying from one transwarp gate to another ( for example the mobile one) move faster
it is commanded like a regular fleet, send it to any coords you wish, once it will reach its destination it is fully
operational for your alliance members.
but you can send it at any time to any location.
the mobile TWG is too large to send it
through your own transwarp network. it always travels on warp 4
Manpower: 1500
Speed: warp 4
Researchtime: 2 d
Needed research: transwarp-network
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