alliance-invader (class 2 ship)
This ship carries 10 spy-troopers that will use their own landing vessels to reach the surface

Attack/life: 0/10
Manpower: 6

Researchtime: 1 d
Buildingtime: 12 h

Needed research:
dark tactics

Battle details:
  1. fights
    (battle engine syntax: f)
  2. creates 10 probe-troopers in your own fleet in class 1
    (battle engine syntax: create,self,10,1,spy-trooper)
  3. battle engine syntax: change,154,troop transport released the landing vessels

  —> Forum Topic about this ship
noah: ok so it deploys them in class one right? So if i have cyclops or spectre i might kill them before they reach the surface? Or are they deployed for the next battle?
spacetrace: correct , they are class one and will need some time to dive down to the planet surface. they can be destroyed by cyclopses, etc.
Bogart: Are you sure about that??
BladeTech: spectres wont have much effect though, ryte?
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