mine (class 2 ship)
It is deployed by a mine-deployer. If a mine explodes it deals 10 damage to an enemy ship of class 2

Attack/life: 0/1

Buildingtime: 5 h


Battle details:
  1. modifies AP/LP by 0/-10 of 1 ship of any ship-type in your own fleet in the same class
    battlemessage: "mine-explosion detected"
    (battle engine syntax: mod,self,1,this,all,+,0,-10,mine-explosion detected,n)
  2. self destructs!
    (battle engine syntax: sd)

Related technologies:
mycilloid-technology mine-deployer

  —> Forum Topic about this ship
adamx17: "modifies AP/LP by 0/-10 of 1 ship of any ship-type in your own fleet in the same class"

shouldn't it be modified AP/LP by 0/-10 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class?
spacetrace: no, because the mines are deployed in the enemy fleet
adamx17: does your class 2 shoot at the mines then?
Dracofire: I don't know if there is a ship that can destroy mines without hurting yourself but there should be an allowence of one per fleet at a time.
darklim: The mine can destroy an standard class 2 ship.
The mine not fight, so is get it turn... EXPLODE
masterp: would be nice if i can research it, but as human?!? :)16
darklim: This is an Mycilloid ship.
admin: i think this is interesting for understanding the mines, a post by spacetrace:
"they are spread into the enemy fleet at random.

if there are too much mines the battlestack (order of your shooting ships) may look like this:


and this would happen:
destroyer shoots
mine destroys mine
mine destroys destroyer
mine destroys mine

you see too many mines are not very usefull (having more than 50% of the enemy class 2 is not meaning that you destroy more, so this is a self balancing effect, i like it )

and, there is always a chance that there is no damage done:


will cause no damage , and the chance for this is much higher if you have twice as many mines that other ships (like in your battle)

so.. just use less then 50% of enemy class 2 to have a great breakthrough

(ohhh, i like this ship ! it is self balancing)

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