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alliance play
another important feature of the game are alliances.
you can start a new alliance in your headquarters: just enter a tag for the new alliance,
then you can open a new alliance. to join an alliance, you need the tag and password.
in the forum
you can ask for alliances
alliance messages
you can send messages to all members of an alliance at the same time or just
directed to the MoC (see further down).
alliance screen
Here you have the most important information related to your alliance:
all members with their online status and coordinates (if you know them),
the score of your alliance; you can send alliance round messages and check the alliance incomings.
If you are the leader you have access to the ban menu where you can ban players from your
alliance (spies, cheaters ...), and the mobile twg screen.
if you are the CoW you have access to the alliance fleet screen
commander of war (CoW)
by default the CoW is the alliance leader, but he can give the responsibility
to an alliance member of his choice. The CoW has access to a screen with a complete overview
of all alliance members fleets.
alliance fleet screen
here the CoW can see all fleets of all alliance members to organize and coordinate attacks and defense actions.
mobile TWG
The mobile trans warp gate (->
mobile TWG)
is a movable access station to the trans warp network. with this
tool an alliance is able to reach deep space targets faster.
the twg menu page is only accesable to the CoW
minister of communication (MoC)
by default the MoC is the alliance leader, but he can give the responsibility
to a player of his choice. the MoC recieves all messages that players send to
your alliance. he is the ambassador of the alliance.
alliance communication
All players in your alliance are listed in the alliance screen, found in HQ.
you can also send a message to all your alliance members there.
you can also send messages to other alliances in the alliance statistic screen.
alliance flags - capturing flags
Each alliance with 3 or more members has an alliance flag and has the right to capture flags of other alliance.
this way you can directly attack an alliance and steal points from them, thus you have
to keep your alliance flag well protected.
To capture a flag you need a special ship: the HQ invader
-> HQ invader.
the rules for flag capturing and re-capturing are described in the forum here:
-> flag rules
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