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 Post Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:40 am    Post subject: Emo's Geeks & Nerds
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This seems like a popular thread so I started it to get you guys out of Marketing.

Now I had no idea what a emo was but something I noticed that when you get older, the geeks and nerds, many are all successful good looking guys who wear designer contact lens and attract the chicks.
The "jocks" from secondary school are now fat, bald (sometimes) guys who have false teeth because they got their jockassandmouth kicked by some other jock somewhere along the way.

I must say, although my statements are not based on anything but personal observation it has been interesting to watch the evolution.
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 Post Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:08 am    Post subject:
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OK! good move T2 on opening another topic.. ill tell you all whats going down...

EMO= Emotional person who cant handle everyday challenges most other people can... they are like a goth without the whole dark side of life.. they freak out and apply pain to their body to excape the torture that they indure that normal people call "everyday life"..
------> SUb-catigory, "half-emo" have the looks of emo but are actually not.. they soak in the benefit of looking emo to get the babes... (unlike pheniox who gets very little number of babes as it is)

NERD= a well intelligent man who has no to very little friends.. their only friends are other nerds and possible jocks, but jocks use the nerds to do their homework so its not much of a friendship.. These nerds are the kind of people who like to obsess over something that the conformist would find different or irregular.. some nerds of other nerds and have a nerd off, which is a competition of some sort (EX. duel cards, DND, knowledge of Star Trek, and much more unusual stuff)... most Nerds will avoid meeting with people and cast themselves out from society to aviod being used...

G33K= Geeks are the cooler version of nerds, in fact a lot of people like geeks... they are cool and are smart at the same time.. Geeks usually obsess over stuff that is more accepted by the conformist, and but "accepted" i mean is more interesting to the conformist (Ex. Games, Computers, Programming, Music, etc..)... a know fact, most geeks like to play some sort of video game/s... Geeks tend to interact with other people much more than n3rds...

Jocks= Not to hard to explain this one.. jocks like to play sports or just one sport.. they work out a lot.. a lot... and they usually get the cheerleaders, which is nasty cause a average cheerleader has had S3X with at least 6 different men before graduating year.. :S... jocks are "badasses" which most jocks pick on smaller people aka n3rds.. jocks also have the largest ego out of all groups..

Artistic= Are like nerds but with instruments...
------>SUB-CULTURE #1. Music= they listen to a LOT of Music.. there are many different genres of music and they listen to either Rock, Metal, Techno -OR- Country -OR- Rap... most listen to the first choice... if you overly obsess with country your a farmer, obsess with Rap you suck.. lol, your a wangsta.. (Wangsta = White person + gangster)

------>SUB-CULTURE #2. BAND= these are the people who play the UN-cool instruments.. cool instruments would be guitar, drum, bass, and sometimes electric piano... they are obsess with getting better at a rediculous instrument which will get them nowhere in life... this subculture is also known as Band Geeks...

------>SUB-CULTURE #3. Artis= these are the creative people who draw, paint, sketch, and carve there imagination into something tangable... they obsess in making their dream picture... they are not outcasts of society.. they are hard to explain since they have no limits to their creative side..

well that about sums it up... for the most part.. there are more groups but im staying on course with only geeks, emos and nerds..

Robert Roy wrote:
Noxus wrote:
smart person that nobody likes...

Why does it allways seem to me that when a person is good in sports, that besides the jealous people there are even more applauding it?
When somebody is handsome, people are applauding it.
When somebody does good at school, is smart, or whatever, people see it as a dangerous thing. They feel threathened.
Why not applaud that?

I understand that there are some people that could really fit the typical geek description that you see in the nineties teen high-school movies. I can tell you, these people that fit that descriptions are the people in those movies!
This year I'm in a new class, and at first it looked like quite a geek class to me. But now they seem to be socially interactive, nice, friendly and anything I'd ask from another person.

people "applaud" other things, other than knowledge, more cause they see that stuff happen more often.. EXAMPLE:
How often do you see your favorite sports team play and occasionally win?
--->Pretty often

how often do you see a man, using his knowledge, find a cure for a rare cancer?
--->its not your everyday thing... once in every 50 years...

CONCLUSION- Knowledge is harder to prove yourself with and you get less oppertunities to.. while sports and other stuff you get more oppertunitys by simply playing more or going to a bar if your a handsome man and pick yourself a babe...

lilkrnboi1018 wrote:
hey... nothing is wrong with geeks... i'm higher than average par in intelligence, i look nothing like ur typical geek, but i defend most the geeks... most the geeks... i said most...

HEY! i said nothing wrong about geeks either.. i like them.. i should cause i could consider myself a geek... i like a lot of video games.. like Halo series im getting into, but i mostly a Playstation fan..

PS3 all the WAY!!

but whatever group is intirely your unique group...

Pheniox is in the poser group!!.. lol
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 Post Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:08 am    Post subject:
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You forgot my Lifestyle "veggie sXe/hardcore"
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Knight of Truth

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 Post Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:49 pm    Post subject:
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that should explain enough.

MicroJak wrote:

For fuck's sake would you both please stop fucking swearing!!!!
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 Post Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:29 pm    Post subject:
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Social groups are different in different areas in the world.
For example, in Ireland the group is made up of

*Jocks *** Are usually looked at as one group called "Scumbags"
Grungers] ]]]]] Ae usually looked at as one group called "Hippies"
Goths ]

Skangers aka Scumbags [known as Chavs in England]. 30 or 40 years ago, this group was called the mods in my town, they drove scooters and listened to Ska music [thus skangers].
Nowadays, Skangers are truly the scum of the earth. In my area they go about and rob people, mug people, beat up people for no reason. Only last year I was walking to the shop when a group came up to me and one of them hit me a punch in the eye for no reason whatsoever.
Skangers usually live in poorer parts of the town, dress in Adidas/Nike tracksuits, which are often stolen.
They listen to Dance music. Happy Hardcore, Trance, Dance, Techno, House ect... Although they enjoy Gangsta rap also as it makes them feel more like a gangster.
To others, this group of people are known as "Scumbags" and it's unknown what they call themselves.

Jocks is explanatory. People who like sport or sports. Often, they mix with the Skangers. They don't cause that much trouble in my area, but they are absolute dickheads. Not nice people at all. They think they're the greatest thing that has ever graced this Earth and are just annoying. Simple as that.
They usually wear Tanktops and Hoodies. They listen to Dance Music.

Nackers. Don't get me started on Nackers. This is very controversial what I'm about to say, but Hitler had the right idea when he began exterminating them. Also known as Gypsies, Travellers, Tinkers... these are the worst group of people in Ireland. With a population 5.5 million, Ireland has currently 26,000 Gypsies residing in the country.
I know or know of about 60 - 70 nackers. Of that number, I know of 1 who does not rob people or cause trouble.
They live in Caravans. They refuse to work. They do not mix with other groups and they go around drinking and causing trouble.
They throw dogs and cats into fires up and down the country around Halloween. This year there were 5 reported cases of it.
I actually hate them. They have their own Language known as Shelta, which is basically inverted Gaelic. They have their own King who lives in the West of Ireland.
They listen to Traditional Irish Music + Dance Music. They wear anything. I've seen some wear girls shoes and a tanktop before. Is it because they are poor? Absolutely not. Their fathers and mothers spend all their money on drink.

Metalheads is also explanatory. If I HAD to choose a group to be in, I would most likely be in this one. This group is basically people who have long hair and who listen to different forms of metal. Metalheads who listen to Nu-Metal such as Korn and Slipknot are looked down upon.
It must be noted that a high percentage of metalheads are Atheists. In a largely Catholic-Christian country that is very odd, and it is one of the reasons why this group is despised by other groups.
A lot - BUT NOT ALL - of this group take part in drink and drugs.
They mostly wear Jeans, have large, black hoodies with band names on it and wear "Vans" or "Etnies" shoes.

Grungers are almost the same as Metalheads with subtle differences. Grungers are often seen hanging around with metalheads and this is why the two groups are often looked on as one.
The difference is, Grungers listen to lighter music than metal. They would usually listen to things such as Green Day, Nirvana, The Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Place these band names on the black hoodies instead of the metal bands and you have a grunger.

Skateboarders - Also self Explanatory. Take 1 Metalhead or Grunger, add a skateboard. And Tada - Skateboarder.

Goths - When Marilyn Manson came out a few yers ago, there was an unbeleivable amount of Goths in the city. Now, they're all but extinct. I haven't seen a Goth around in Months.
Anyway, Basically, they wear all black, no brand names, listen to bands like Marilyn Manson and Alice Cooper Ect.

Emos. Now. Wait. Let me just start by saying I actually find this group so annoying. Usually, they come from a Middle-Class background. They spend their day inside a café downtown where they drink coffee. Together they cry on each others shoulders and they talk about all their "problems". Such as the way Timmy's bedroom is smaller than Jimmy's OH KNOW! Timmy's parents must hate him!
They always ALWAYS talk in an American accent. If your not one of them or, critisise them you are a "conformist". If you join them, you're a poser.
They wear their hair over one eye, and listen to bands such as Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco and Aiden.

Culchees. Culchees are a harmless group. They keep to themselves mostly but are really friendly. They live in the country, and for lack of better words are a bit gullible. You could convince a Culchee of anything, but as I said they're nice.
They don't exactly have their own type of clothing or music, but all you need to know is that they live in the rural part of the country and often wear wellies.

Oddballs - We don't actually call them Oddballs. We don't call them geeks or nerds or dorks because that's too American. We usually call them "weirdos". These are basically people who do not have any aspect of any of the groups mentioned above.
These people basicaly spend their entire day inside their house on the computer and have no friends. I know a few people like this, and they're actally really cool people. It's just a pity that they hate the outside world.
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Hobbes: What's misunderstood about you?
Calvin: Nobody thinks I'm a genius.
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 Post Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:50 pm    Post subject:
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Nicely said Promethius... but your probably looking at it from england/european way..

lets see.. Metalheads is right on the nose, its the same in US..

But Emos dont really drink coffee in USA, or at least a only a few do... and usually in America they dont hang out at the "cafe" but they spend their time on and make odd pictures of themselves... then they right depressing poems about their life and try on their little sister's pants... yes.. i know disturbing.. but they look better on me than her.. lol, jk....

your Skangers are "Bums" or "gangsters" in america...

Nackers are your drugees in america who sell themself for money to buy drugs.. or they rob people and/or decieve them...

Goths here are mostly in black... goths only see the dark side of life, while emos complain about it... goths love death & Marlyln Manson or however you spell it....

Culchee... uhhhh... we call them brain dead.. i dont know.. possible a unpopular farmer from America?...

and again Emos dont listen to the music Fall out boy, panic!, and Aiden.. and im not saying they dont listen to them at all.. but MOST emos like a band called "The Used" which in fact is a good band with a famous singer.. now if you obsess them and make them your life then your probably emo... but i still like that band even though their emo...

and Oddballs are just insane people...

another culture in America is the PUNKS... i like these guys.. i might be a punk... but they like to do different stuff that is more than likely against the law.. they are often looked down apon by the conformist.. such as in Johnny Knoxville... coolest guy ever i think... he is soooooooooo hilarious.. he is a punk.. punks are sometimes skateboarders, and they like music such as NoFX, Anti-Flag, and other "punk" bands...

dang.. we could write a book about all the different classes in society and make millions..
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Scipio Africanus
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 Post Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:11 am    Post subject:
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See some people just arent understood, like HiTleR, the british didnt understand him, Napoleon, the British didnt understand him either, and what happend to them? They were all screwd over cause they werent understood.{and because of Britain}.lol
Anyways, things are also different as the time changes, things were alot different in highschool for my mom. Freshmen were anhialated every day by the upper classmen, but not any more. And now unlike before some people are in multiple....casts, if you will. Like some are both in band and popular. Its seems all the classes listed are from our male prospection, females classes go a little differently.

But in concusion my whole piont of taking the ime to type here was to state that it is possible to be in more than one class, or group, or cast, etc.

oh and nice new avatar Noxus, it looks cool.
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 Post Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:17 am    Post subject:
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KoT, that site is pretty old, also

nerds and geeks are basicly the same thing. look at, they're both slang terms

although nerds have actuall meanings

emos sometimes are dark and dank spirited, they just are wana be goths in the end though

and also, half emos are worse than emo emos because they're wanabes of wanabes which is the worst

and jocks are usually related with football players

last, geeks ftw!

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Robert Roy
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 Post Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:30 pm    Post subject:
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Noxus wrote:
how often do you see a man, using his knowledge, find a cure for a rare cancer?
--->its not your everyday thing... once in every 50 years...

CONCLUSION- Knowledge is harder to prove yourself with and you get less oppertunities to.. while sports and other stuff you get more oppertunitys by simply playing more or going to a bar if your a handsome man and pick yourself a babe...

Don't leave school. Get good grades.
What can I say LOL.
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 Post Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:32 am    Post subject:
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get the girls, get the exercise, be the jock. bag my groceries. that is wat happens wen u follow that method

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 Post Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:49 pm    Post subject:
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I have a friend who's an emo, long black hair, uncombed, that sort of thing. I don't fancy that girl anymore because it seems like everyone fancies her, and I can't make her laugh as much as I used to.

I really want to concerntrate on learning, my report comes in a few weeks with my national curriculum levels (grades).

However I have two girls, who are friends, who I kinda fancy, but I need to get my hair cut otherwise I have no chance.

Which reminds me that my school photo comes out soon. Hmmm, I don't think I'll post it on here, becuase then you'll call me young again lol!
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 Post Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:47 pm    Post subject:
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learining sucks, though u have to, actually life should exist of just these things: Eating, pooping, playing ST (and other games) and then reproduce for the next generation to do the same. After a while you will start to get bored and die. THE END.

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Robert Roy
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 Post Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:53 pm    Post subject:
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pooping? get a life.

I wish sleeping wasn't necessary, cause that is the main waste of time in everybody's life.
How about really good and much food, good and much drinks, sex and friends? All you need besides this is enough money to be able to afford having so much fun in life.
Nulla poena sine lege..
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 Post Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:16 pm    Post subject:

This should make life clear:

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