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evaporator (class 1 ship) The evaporator emits a high frequency holo-beam to absorb an enemy's energy whenever it gets modified. As a result it redirects the energy into a holo-drain device that destroys one enemy vessel
The evaporator is an intergalactic ship with quad ion-emitting engines for thrust. created on a secluded pre-warp, in top secret move by the Eray Command Nexus, the ship was a retaliatory step against recent strategic moves made by opposing governments. with an increase in flagships dominating the use of more mobile fighters, the battles consisted of sheer power rather than overwhelming the enemy by mass units. to gain back the initiative in mobility and faster production, the evaporator was brought into light. knowing that the larger ships used stronger armor, a different approach was needed to penetrate the ships without increasing the size of the evaporator. in a breakthrough, a lone researcher discovered that they could absorb, emit, and weaken the enemy from the enemy's own weapon. by using a plasmic modulator and a modified Xoutory crystal armor, the evaporator can absorb some of the attack and then use the energy to power up a subspace, frequency holo-beam to disturb the opposing ship's shields. while the enemies try to remodulate their shields, the evaporator uses the remaining energy to activate a holodrain device that destroys the enemy ship. There are two transistors for the holodrain device as the evaporator can be attacked by two common weapons. one is by brute force and the other is some type of energy weapon that tries to destroy or modify the enemy ship. in any case, the holodrain device compensates by shifting transistors to forcefully rearrange the energy source to power the holodrain device.
in battle simulations, this ship proved valuable in situations where a lack of other smaller ships was present. thus, being able to attack the larger ships. logically, if a smaller ship tried to attack the evaporator, the evaporator will have a smaller retaliatory force to strike back due to the fact that it can only redirect power.
although the ship has been used to destroy bases, the ship failed because the small arms, these buildings were equipped with, were not enough to scratch the extremely tough armor. so, use against buildings is discouraged.
Attack/life: 1/2 Manpower: 12
Researchtime: 2 d Buildingtime: 14 h
e-ray-Technology Needed research: holo technology
Battle details:- fights
(battle engine syntax: f)
- if this ships LP or AP are increased or decreased it modifies LP by -5000 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
battlemessage: "evaporator destroys ... ships" (battle engine syntax: trigger_plus@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys)
- if this ship gets destroyed by a 'destroy' effect it modifies LP by -5000 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
battlemessage: "evaporator destroys ... ships" (battle engine syntax: trigger_destroy@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys)
—> |
Forum Topic about this ship |
mdellis: |
the description sounded a little strabge. i assume it destroys one ship in its own class unless there are none, whereupon it will attack the next class up, as per the usual rules? how much manpower? :)9
JaM: |
No, it just needs an attack to determine the location of the energy center of the ship it wants to destroy.
Nothing in the description says that it destroys the ship that attacked him.
mackman: |
I dont understand this ship?If it destroys 1 ship in the same class and it is class 1 it is useless 12mp to kill 1 class 1??Can you fight cyclopses or spectres with this ship?
Space Ghost: |
Its my lovely deathadder with a name change and one testicle removed. Humm as tazz would say. |
spacetrace: |
dear space ghost i must apologize, but maybe if i tell you my dilemma you may understand my decision:
- yes we removed one testical, but it has still two... like it should be
- we made this surgery and we decided to give it a new , more eray, name
i hope you will not stop making nice and needed ships to scare the lazy fleet constructors :wink: |
BladeTech: |
i'm sorry but can anyone explain this ship to me in human language? lol the description is too high-tech for me |
Weylyn: |
You shoot it ---> it kills you
doomstar: |
I have no idea what is the attacking method of the ship????
:)9 :)9 :)9 :)9 |
doomstar: |
@Weylyn, that mean a Fighter or a Destroyer or a Cruiser will be destroy as soon as the ship attack Evaporator?
What about the Dreadnaught shock wave attack? Will that mean I lose my Dreadnaught?
:)9 :)9 :)9 :)9 |
steven1982: |
Yes your dreadnought will be lost, even worse, because your dreadnought shockwave effects 100 ships, most likely is that all evaporators in ennemy fleet will be activated, and all will destroy one ship (so there goes ure class 3) however this effect is quite simple to counter, just have 1 fighter in fleet with your dreads :grin:
Weylyn: |
Eerr, no. As far as I know the dreads will still attack 25 class-1 anyway, activating 25 evaporators. The only remedy I know of is to use proper fighter cover to kill the evaporators to kill them before the sw-ships activate.
Not that I mind, I don't use class-3 :grin:
steven1982: |
Well lol doomstar was talking about the dreadnought shockwave (which does 1 damage to 100 ships) offcourse this only works if dread fights class 1 directly, then the dread kills 126 class one ships :grin:.
However i am not sure about what i say now:
If you have one fighter, the evaporator allready had his turn, so if the dread/cyclops/spectre uses his special ability in another class when class 1 battle allready happend, i believe that the evaporator is not effective.
NOT SURE about above, admin pls tell me.
Weylyn: |
I beleive the evaporator had a trigger that killed any ship that midifies it lp. That would mean that any evaporators surviving the class-1 battle would be effective. And hey, this is Ideal for protecting my penguins in a C1vC3 strike.
steven1982: |
"trigger_destroy it modifies AP and LP by -5000/-5000 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class "
That would mean it only destroys special ships if they are fighting against his class if i am not wrong.
KEPcH: |
If anything needs to be changed it's the mp: 12mp and you can wipe out a dreadnought??
Don't even try to make me see the balance in that. |
blackmagic: |
Well, it is a class 1 ship. So, naturally the mp will be low.
LOL I find this very amusing because i have never seen this ship anywhere. Else, i might have posted earlier. :grin: This is a very interesting ship, but i wonder whether it could be abused in its use against higher classes.
BTW I don't understand why the battle syntax repeats twice. Does it attack twice? I think this ship would be more balanced if it maybe seld destructed or something. That way the person with the higher class my have some chance and the person using it has a certain amount of risk involved =) |
spacetrace: |
there are two trigger because it shall be sensitive to cycplops too... |
steven1982: |
I have fought this ship a couple of times as a deathadder, it is a real cool ship and nicely balanced, and basic of it is quite simple if you attack it (dread/cyclops/spectre, or normal shot), it destroys 1 ship in the class it is fighting in, so if you are terribly afraid to lose your dreads, just be sure you have a class 1 available to keep your dread e.g. save. This ship is meant to get the highly used class 3 fleets more vulnurable, and forces people to use class one. So the "easy" class 3 fleet becomes a bit harder to handle, therefor not only the ship is balanced, it also helps balancing the game :grin:.
Metody I The Evil: |
ah, this ship is the cheapest way to destroy a defensive array :D Nice. Well, since it destroyed me Defarray... guess not so nice ;) |
The Flying Ace: |
An evap took out my array too.... I know it sucks, but the odds are against it happening.
I tried two evap attacks on an empty base with three motherships and an array, and once his research center went first and the next time his shipyard went first :(
Its not a very reliable way of taking out arrays. |
Rubens: |
Mmmm i think u are wrong. The evaporators do NOT attacks buildings... |
Metody I The Evil: |
one battle report is worth a thousand words ;)
your class 4 vs enemy class 4: V ^
1 shipyard
1 research center
1 transwarp-network
1 defensive array
1 mothership
1 major reconstructor
1 defensive array defends in class 3: 1 ship
1 defensive array defends in class 2: 10 ships
1 defensive array defends in class 1: 50 ships
1 reconstructor reactivates in class 3: 2 ships
1 evaporator destroys 1 ship
you :
1 defensive array |
The Flying Ace: |
if this ships LP or AP are increased or decreased it modifies LP by -5000 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
battlemessage: "evaporator destroys ... ships"
(battle engine syntax: trigger_plus@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys)
trigger_destroy it modifies LP by -5000 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
battlemessage: "evaporator destroys ... ships"
(battle engine syntax: trigger_destroy@kill,enemy,1,this,all,evaporator destroys) |
The Flying Ace: |
No, I used plenty of evaps. Believe me, if they could take out a shipyard/research center, I would have.
What happens is, the evaps fight in order. How about this:
Allied fleet one:
20 evaps
100 destroyers
1 mothership
Enemy fleet one:
10 apollos
1 cyclops
9 cruisers
1 mothership
In this fight, the ships will all get into their order and start fighting. The evaps will start fighting against the class three, doing nothing until the cyclops gets its turn.
If: The cyclops goes first, all the class three in the enemy fleet is destroyed. No apollos get a turn, so no destroyers are killed. No cruisers get a turn either, so every evap destroys a ship per the cyclops.
If: The cyclops goes last, All apollos would fire off, destroying the entire allied class two, and all the cruisers would kill and evap before the evaps operate, so only 11 evaps would kill class three ships.
Same goes for buildings. Four evaps against shipyard, research center, array, and twg.
Array goes first, array dies.
Shipyard goes first, all evaps try to kill the shipyard with no success, so no evap will get a shot at the array, even though the array modifies the evaps.
I dont think that evaps are too powerful. If people would pay a bit more attention to their fleets, they would find that evaps would be easy to counter.
I personally am stunned that there are so many "experienced" players out there that load their mp all into a single fleet, and hope for the best. Two fleets is good, but three is even better. Three fleets can almost ALWAYS cut one fleet down to the mothership, evaps or no.
The trick is balance. You need to take advantage of all three of your classes to have a strong fleet setup. |
Metody I The Evil: |
wait a sec, this doesn't make any sense:
You : Say, 20 evaps
Enemy : Defarray, Research Centre, Shipyard, TWG, etc.
Defarray modifies ALL evaps
====> thusly: they should wipe out the entire base. Every evap does
more damage than any building's LP, so, what, you need ONE per building.
The battle-order is of no signifficance in this particular c4 battle - cuz there's nothing to acually destroy your evaps in the c4 combat (unless he has time slippers - duh!) - besides the def-array. The other buildings act as mosquitoes (if "act" is a good way to describe "doing nothing" :lol: ), so the defarray shoots ether first, or, after the first evap does it's what, one damage ;)
So it either should be that 20 evaps will wipe out a base (or just 4 evaps for that matter). If they can not, it's a bug ;)
The evaps shouldn't kill buildings, especially def-arrays. So since they do, it's a bug again. |
The Flying Ace: |
No, you dont understand.
SOME ships and buildings are immune to the evaporator.
Research center and shipyard happen to be immune. (Not sure on the transwarp gate, Id have to do some experimenting if I really cared to find out.)
All I was pointing out was that the order of the battle is everything. If a shipyard happens to be first in line, every evap will try to kill that first, and they will not move on until it is gone. Just like holo clones against 50 cruisers and a flamingo. If they attack the flamingo first, your holo clones are absolutely useless.
The defense array happens to be vulnerable to evaporators, why is that a bug? It was designed that way. |
Spyder: |
The twg goes too, as do any other nice class 4 that happen to be in base.
But really, I have had stuff in base knocked out by timeslippers, I dont see the problem. |
Metody I The Evil: |
ahh, you meant "went" as in being first in the battle order, not being destroyed ;) I thought you said "went" as in "you've wiped out those buildings" :)6
Besides, I think the evap was intended as an anti-swank, rather than a def-array buster. Anywho, since it is indeed hard to get to the defarray by chance,I guess it should be considered a minor inconvinience ;) |
Rubens: |
OHH conclusion...
RC and SY are inmune to evaporators;) |
Metody I The Evil: |
nah, real conclusion: "One fighter can no longer be considered enough for a reliable c1 base *plug* against one enemy fleet, if you have a defarray... and don't feel lucky"
One q: what are the odds of a fleet which has 176 class1, of which only one is an evaporator, of that evap being in the 50 ships the defarray destroys, and, at the same time, the defarray to be first in the battle order in c4 (e.g., out of four buildings) ;) |
Skyfreak: |
like i said
conclusion about this topic is in my view
24 mp for evaporator
my view that is lol |
Spyder: |
Nah, it's balanced already, heck fighters kill it easy, its not an easy ship to use by any measure, just very effective on occasion. |
Mighty: |
swank killer :P |
Spyder: |
yes, it is a swank killer, but it has to survive a class one or two battle in order to do damage, unless of course its fighing a naked swank, ie
so the naked swank is more dangerous, but more imperilled, fair enough.
Smart swankers, of which there are few, only use the naked swank in special circumstances. |
Rubens: |
2 evaps and 1 MSvs 1 crusero and the entire base including a defensive array
The evaps should kill the crusero right? They would be modified my the DA... |
spacetrace: |
the base buildings are evaporator proof |
Rubens: |
"the base buildings are evaporator proof"
How can that answer my question? |
Connor McCloud: |
2 evaps and 1 MSvs 1 crusero and the entire base including a defensive array
The evaps should kill the crusero right? They would be modified my the DA..."
No, you would lose 1 evap to the cruiser , and the DA would trigger the other evap , But the Evap will shoot into C4 because it is triggerd by a C4 if the Evap attacks the SY or RC it won't kill nothing
Greetz Connor :)6 :)6 :)6 |
Rubens: |
Thats why i put 2 evaps.
Well you had experiencie about it? If that is like you said it seems pretty nice to me hehe
So 5 evaps vs 1 crusero the DA and 3 MS. without SY and RY
The crusero would be alive but i will kill the c4?:D |
luc45st: |
Class 1: 5 evaps vs cruiser
cruiser kills evap --> evap special kills cruiser
losses: 1 evap, 1 cruiser
Class 4: MS vs DA, 3 MS
DA special kills all evaps --> evap special kills four Class 4s
losses: 4 evaps, 1 DA, 3 MS
So the cruiser would die AND u would kill the c4 :) |
Connor McCloud: |
sorry you are wrong 1 cruiser would be allive cruisers don't modify the evap so not much will happen to the cruiser :)20 :)20 :)20 |
Scolar Visari: |
Class 1: 5 evaps vs cruiser
cruiser kills evap --> evap special kills cruiser
losses: 1 evap, 1 cruiser
Class 4: MS vs DA, 3 MS
DA special kills all evaps --> evap special kills four Class 4s
losses: 4 evaps, 1 DA, 3 MS
So the cruiser would die AND u would kill the c4 :)"
no.. not all c4 would be destroyed.. the Shipyard and Research center i think wouldnt be killed.. but DA and MS would die :D |
Rubens: |
To Scolar and our guest is like this
5 Evaps 1MSvs 1 Cruiser 3MS 1 DA (NO SY OR RC)
c1 vs c3
4 evaps left
c4 vs c4
The DA destroy all my evaps but those should destroy 4 enemy's vessels, so i destroy the 3 MS and the DA.
Actually its like this in the universe...
Now reading and reading the syntax i think there is a missing word, i dont know what Spyder(if is here) or Connor could think.
If it says "in the same class" it should attack class by class, i mean the DA modifies the Evap and it should destroy first 4 ships in C3.
Like 2 evpas 1flamingo vs 1 destroyer 1 cyclop. The evap modified should destroy the c2 first.
I think it should change like "in the enemy fleet in the class it was modified" or something like that....I think...just that:P |
DavAlan: |
"no.. not all c4 would be destroyed.. the Shipyard and Research center i think wouldnt be killed.. but DA and MS would die :D"
Actually the SY and RC are immune to the evap 0_destroy retal. And should the evaps target one of these before the other c4 then all the evaps will attempt to kill the SY or RC (and fail). So the killing of any c4 would stop there.
ex. evap hits an ms (kill), the DA (kill) then the SY (fail) and any other c4 will never get hit as the evaps would not "move" to the next c4 until killing the current one. |
Connor McCloud: |
Correct Rubens there is missing something :
if this ships LP or AP are increased or decreased it modifies LP by -5000 of 1 ship of any ship-type in the enemy fleet in the same class where the Evap fights against but some ships and buildings are immune against this effect
Marked the missing part in red ( at least this is how I know it works ) |
DavAlan: |
For accurracy change that to: that modified the evaporator |
Rubens: |
Exactly, thanks to Connor and Dav
Lets wait the admin changes it...to make a ST easier and better:) |
spacetrace: |
yeah , i will change it :)12 |
blackmagic: |
such a thourghly discussed ship! O.O
I read the description of the ship that I wrote so long ago. Its ok, but now it seems kinda... blah.
Here is a strange sci-fi-ish way to describe the ship! ^^P Extra tat could be added to the description or read just for fun. ENJOY!!
The evaporator is an intergalactic ship with quad ion-emitting engines for thrust. Created on a secluded pre-warp, in top secret move by the Eray Command Nexus , the ship was a retaliatory step against recent strategic moves made by opposing governments. With an increase in flagships dominating the use of more mobile fighters, the battles consisted of sheer power rather than overwhelming the enemy by mass units. To gain back the initiative in mobility and faster production, the evaporator was brought into light. Knowing that the larger ships used stronger armor, a different approach was needed to penetrate the ships without increasing the size of the evaporator. In a breakthrough, a lone researcher discovered that they could absorb, emit, and weaken the enemy from the enemy's own weapon. By using a plasmic modulator and a modified Xoutory crystal armor, the evaporator can absorb some of the attack and then use the energy to power up a subspace, frequency holo-beam to disturb the opposing ship's shields. While the enemy try to remodulate their shields, the evaporator uses the remaining energy to active a holodrain device that destroys the enemy ship. There are two transistors for the holodrain device as the evaporator can be attacked by two common weapons. One is by brute force and the other is a usually some type of energy weapon that tries to destroy or modify the enemy ship. In anycase, the holodrain device with compensate by shifting transistors to forcefully rearrange the energy source to power the holodrain device.
In battle simulations, this ship proved valuable in situations where a lack of other smaller ships was present. Thus, being able to attack the larger ships. Logically, if a smaller ship tried to attack the evaporator, the evaporator will have a smaller retaliatory force in which to attack back due to the fact that it can only redirect power.
Although the ship has been used todestroy bases the ship failed because the small arms that these buildings were equipped with were not enough to scratch the extremely tough armor. So, use against buildings is discouraged.
TechServ Datalinks
-Ship analysis by Blackmagic of Shadowball |
spacetrace: |
love it , i will add it to the ships description :D |
blackmagic: |
WELL..... Isn't tat great?? LOLs i guess it sounded alright! YAY! i just wrote as it came to my head. Guess i must have a knack at this. Shall i write one for other ships as well? |
admin: |
yes, cool description... we added it:
http://manual.spacetrace.org/tec.php?details=1&tec_id=158&techname=evaporator& |
admin: |
"Revised version:
"Evaporator (class 1 ship)
These ships destroy a ship of any class if it gets modified. Therefore it is very effective against swank setups and is often described as a 'swanker's worst nightmare'. Such ships such as the cyclops and apollo cruiser, which modify to destroy other ships, will be eliminated against an evaporator. 20 evaporators vs. 20 cyclops, will result in a loss of 20 cyclops. It is an excellent ship, and also has the ability to completely destroy ships which do not modify on their own." "
admin: |
"Evaporator is basically just an expensive fighter that costs a lot and has some special ability.
So you need 2 regular fighters to kill it and you can kill one fighter with one evaporator.
Special powers;however If evaporator attack points(AT) or life points(LP) gets modified then evaporator will destroy that ship that modified his AT or LP.
By modified that doesnt mean that fighter shoot at evap and his LP was modified.If evap will be shoot by fighters or any other normal ship evap will behave like normal ship.
But If something would raise or reduce his LP or AT,some ship like sporator,cyclop,spectre then evporator will kill that ship.If more evporator will be modified they will all shoot to kill enemy ships in that class where did the modifying ship come from.For example If spectre will modify 1000 c1 ships and you have 50 evaporator then those 50 evaps will shoot in his c2 destroying 50 of his c2 ships.
Evaps will kill enemy ships even if they are triggered in another subbattle.For example again If that spectre would fire in class 2 vs class 2 battle and this way triggering those 50 evaps,they would again shoot and destroy 50 enemy c2.
And If owner of spectre would have 50 of his evaps and would trigger them with spectre they would also be fireing into your c2.
Hope this helps"
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