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Joined: 26 Mar 2005
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 Post Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:02 am    Post subject: Best Battle Tips
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Everyone here has had battle experiences that resulted in oneself saying..."I didn't know that"

I would like to try to compile a mini manual or...The Quick Start Guide to ST

Will everyone put forth their best lesson they learned when playing ST and I'll try to edit them down into some form of quick read guide that could be given to new players ?

I highlighted one in another thread the other day about a thinking that battle damage to ships was additive between fleets for almost 2 evo's.


"Never attack with 3 fleets at the exact same time". Allow time to review between battles and figure out what is the next best way to hit.

Little stuff like that would really help a new player who wants to play and try the game before they read the complete manual
If it turns out to be helpful, it could be posted in the training alliance home page for reference to all new players.

Last edited by T2 on Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Connor McCloud

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 Post Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 9:23 am    Post subject:
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* Never leave your base unprotected ( keep at least 1,1,1 at your base)

* Always use more then 1 fleet , so your oponent can't see what will hit him first because you can switch ships between fleets
* read manual for what a ships special abillity's are so you don't use , for example a Spectre in the same fleet with 1000 fighters .
Greetz Connor

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imperial wizzard
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 Post Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:39 am    Post subject:
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this is a nice topic!!!

If u can build a doomstar, never leave him in youre base. After cl4 battle it wil destroy ur fleet and youre enemy's fleet.

If i want to destroy a swank i use, evaporators 50 of them is enough. for one swank. and in my fleet 15 cruisers.

50 evaps in base, they will take out the swank.Only evpas in base, if u are shore the enemy is using a swank. 1 min. before battle i send my fleet with cruisers one coord away. After battle i send my fleet back home and take his MS (mothership) and MR (major reconstructor) out.
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 Post Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:14 pm    Post subject:
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A SWANK Fleet is a stack of ships composed of entirely class 3 & 4 capable of killing ships of all classes. Common Ships used are Cyclops, Apollo Cruisers, Plasma Gunships, Dominator and the obligatory basic Cruisers.
Some carry a Major Reconstructor in class 4 to repair any damage incurred to the fleet.
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imperial wizzard
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 Post Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:56 pm    Post subject:
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thnx T2, youre english is a bit better then mine.

And nice counter attack for a swank with PlasmaGunship are holo-clone-ships.

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 Post Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 8:04 pm    Post subject:
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Comm Lists can be traded and inserted into your communications screen between "friends" or alliance members.
Simply COPY the comm list you receive in your message box and then click on the bottom button of your comm list { PLAYER SEARCH } and then again click on {search for list of players} at the very bottom of the screen.
PASTE the comm list you COPYED into the box provided and again click on

The comm list you pasted into the box will now be displayed and just click
{ ADD PLAYERS } and any new contacts will be added to your existing comm list.
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Connor McCloud

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 Post Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:35 am    Post subject:
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imperial wizzard wrote:
thnx T2, youre english is a bit better then mine.

And nice counter attack for a swank with PlasmaGunship are holo-clone-ships.


Sorry Imp , that is a bad example , in a swank are also apollo's ! ! ! they kill your holo clones , it would be a random in who will score most if your holoclones clone apollo's and cyclopses you would lose
Greetz Connor

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 Post Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:20 am    Post subject:
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Always have either DSP data or stack data BEFORE you attack a fleet....NEVER GO IN BLIND!
No don't kill it, I'm sure it's harmless.....
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 Post Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:56 pm    Post subject:
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Excrept from advice given to a new player who was concerned about a potential incomming

Also to expand on Connor's base protection advice.

When only 1 fleet is coming at your base, all you need is 1 fighter, 1 destroyer, and 1 cruiser in your base. You will make points because of your defence array at your planet. The best thing to do is move your fleets 1 sector off base and let them hit you. Then you can study the Battle Report and move your fleets in 1 at a time to take out the enemy fleet, 1 class at a time and score more points.

Also, btw, the def array is the only building that cannot be rebuilt after it's destroyed.

When 2 or more fleets are attacking your base, it is much more difficult to defend against. Putting additional fleets that the opponent must battle through will help considerable. Balance your ship classes unless you know what is coming and then you can move your numbers around in the classes or fleets to suit. The random factor of what fleet fights first means
Luck will play into this however, because neither you or he knows what fleet he will hit first...your base fleet or the 1st, 2nd or 3rd fleet you have also defending, it is difficult to build the perfect defence.
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 Post Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 4:31 pm    Post subject:
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If you are having trouble scoring positive points, perhaps your approach is wrong. Rather than trying to score points, try playing to not lose points instead. Many newer players try to score by throwing bigger and more ships at their opponents resulting in loses that are bigger and more.

If you are having trouble with your fleet stacks, try sending just enough ships to break even in your first attack.
Eg: - Opponent has 72 c1's, 35 c2's and 9 c3 ships in their fleet. Try sending the same ship count as opponent in your first wave using basic ships. This will help "open up" the enemy stack making them more vulernable to a second attack and also reveals what the enemy has in his stack .

If enemy has anything but basic ships, there is a good chance you will make a small positive score and at worse, you will fight and probably break even in score over 50% of the time. At worse case, you will lose less than 100 points and that is an acceptable loss if it reveals what you need to make big score on your 2nd fleet attack.
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 Post Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:50 am    Post subject:
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I find this topic a bit strange, you have to take in consideration that noob ies dont read the forum that fast or at all, and giving your own ideas away doesnt make sense and cant be the way to play, you confuse more than you clear up. Rather then giving advise on how many ships in which class and what ships, it would be cooler to post directions such as longer researches are better or go through tech tree, to see the fastest way to your dsp, basic things that get you on the way. The topic is not bad, but I think you go the wrong way. What you think, more basic tips that help a lot more? Base

created by compu_head
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 Post Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:39 am    Post subject:
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Knowledge of Battle concepts are very difficult to convey to new players. It is tough to describe the "mindset" needed to be a winner.
As every successful combatant knows, it is more than stacking the "perfect" fleet and every battle requires a slightly different stack to be more or less successful.

Placing emphasis on how to determine the best stack a combatant uses might be more useful than saying use this or that ship as no single stack works all the time.
Not every new player will read this however, anyone who is serious about learning the game will find this thread and a few other good posts that hopefully will help them develop this mindset to be competitive.

Not every post will make sense to everyone but if it does help 1 or 2 new players progress to a level of competency where in they can compete against more experienced players in a shorter length of time, then it becomes worth it.
ATM competition is light in ST and I would like to see a closer differential in personal scores or at least more people vieing for the top 10 list.
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 Post Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:04 am    Post subject:
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Yo T2, if it helps 2 people, you are a winner, thats for sure. Then in case there are 3 needing advise, here is mine.

If you are the kind that doesnt like long tricky manuals, then I suggest you do the following. Go into an alliance which is real easy, just send a msg that you would like to join, or even easier, go into the welcome alliances. There you can ask around for some things like, "what do I research next and how do I use it" When you start this game, you might wana take in consideration that you are playing chess, and it will take a while before you know some good moves. The other part of the game is, how you fit into this spacetrace football field, with lots of different people not being afraid to share their thoughts and yes lol, even pictures, you might wana ask their sexual preferences before handing out any pics. If you give up easy, dont even start this game, cause it will make you go through some serious frustrations, but light is at the end of the tunel, sometimes a dude with a flashlight looking for food, but in most other cases, a possitive score and a lot of fun. If you wana do it all by yourself, go to the ships in the manual, and then select view details of this ship, there you get the pros asking their first questions about the ship and that is really cool, you find out how to use the ship. Meeting new people is always fun, so enjoy this little meeting place. peace base

ps. if you have questions, you can leave a private msg and I am more than happy to answer you.

created by compu_head
1 of 9 who killed borg
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 Post Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:02 am    Post subject:
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Good advice Skyfreak. Looking at any ships description and it's functions is certainly a must when it comes to stacking up !

I am looking at more emphasis in trying to show how to win with just basic ships.
This is the essence of the game I think.
When this part of the game is learned, putting together new stacks is Sooo much fun !

I know there are some stacks that cannot be beat with basic ships but not too many. When new players can win using good knowledge of sub-battle order, they are serious contenders of top 10 status when they learn or research some interesting stacks.
I think too much emphasis is placed on the ships themselves and not enough in understanding the sub-battle rules.
After i said before...If you cannot swing the basic hammer, why try to swing a heavier one that is even harder to swing !
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 Post Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:43 am    Post subject:

You got some stuff for your final mini noob guide from all the posts, and I hope that everybody who has an idea with basic ships, cause that is as T2 points out, the ships a noob starts out with, besides the start up fleet, posts in here. Then the admins can place it at the place they think is best for a 30 min spacetrace course lol. So, guyz show urself like what was it again, defend your base with 3000 fighters devided into 4, 150 destroyers and 30 cruisers, I wish. Class one kills lower classes easy etc, I think you should also look in the guides that exsist and take some stuff out, make it shorter, and dont go over a limit, so it has to be pretty neat. If you need a critical reader before you make it final, I am there for you phew luckly we not that nice when we battle evil rules in spactrace

created by compu_head
1 of 9 who killed borg
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